Can the NeoGraft Process Help Female Pattern Baldness?

While baldness is more often thought to be a male condition (male pattern baldness), women suffer with their own version of hair loss, female pattern baldness. About 40 percent of females, many of whom experience visible hair loss by age 40, are victims of unwanted balding.  For women, the emotional strain of hair loss can be devastating.

How to Measure Female Hair Loss

Female pattern baldness and hair loss can be helped by hair transplantation.The Savin scale is a common measure that ranges from normal hair density to a bald crown (very rare). It’s helpful in documenting female pattern baldness, which affects about 30 million American women. Experts think genetics and aging play a role in androgenic alopecia, along with the hormonal changes of menopause. Hair may become thin all over, with the greatest loss along the center of the scalp.

Hair loss can be particularly alarming for younger women. Anxiety, emotional stress and fatigue can cause sudden hair loss in young women. And if gone unchecked, these factors can create emotionally instability and imbalances in the body, resulting in further hair loss. Often temporary the condition stops when the stress subsides.

Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of sudden hair loss in young women. Testosterone is the key hair-producing hormone in the body and DHT, a hormone derived from testosterone, is responsible for producing hair on the body and head. However, even though DHT is produced by testosterone, it is actually controlled by another hormone: estrogen.

When women are healthy, levels of estrogen and testosterone hormones are balanced, so DHT is controlled. But when a woman suffers from a hormonal imbalance, estrogen levels fluctuate leaving DHT production uncontrolled. This can cause sudden hair loss in young women. For this reason, maintaining healthy estrogen hormone levels is vital in controlling this condition.

Although hair restoration is more widely pursued by men, women are realizing the advantages, too. Women in one of the categories listed here are a good candidate for hair restoration.

  • Women who have suffered hair loss due to mechanical or traction Alopecia (non- hormonal)
  • Women who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about hair loss around the incision sites.
  • Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness, similar to that of male pattern baldness. This includes hairline recession, vertex thinning, and a donor area that is not affected by androgenetic Alopecia.
  • Women who suffer hair loss due to trauma, including burn victims, scarring from accidents and chemical burns.
  • Women with alopecia marginalis, a condition that looks very similar to traction alopecia.

Whether female hair loss is the result of aging, hair damage, trauma, illness, medications or genetics, the good news is there is a proven solution. It has swept the hair restoration market by storm and continues to turn out satisfied patients with beautiful, natural hair.

It’s called NeoGraft™. The product of more than10 years of advanced research and development, the NeoGraft™ hair restoration program uses the most modern FUE (follicular unit extraction) method. NeoGraft involves no incisions, no cutting of the scalp, suturing or visible scarring.

Female hair loss is no longer a problem without a solution. The NeoGraft hair restoration process can give you a full head of hair and added self-confidence to boot.