While there are any number of purported non-surgical hair restoration solutions and countless creams, oils, supplements and such that promise new hair growth, the bottom line is: Have you grown new hair? And if you have, how long has it lasted? Very few treatment options can give you hair restoration for life.
Over the years, hair restoration has been a topic of discussion among doctors, researchers, scientists and hair loss sufferers throughout the world. And while endless recommendations have been touted, few solutions have proven true to the promise of delivering a new healthy head of hair that continues to grow. All too often, if you stop using the product, hair loss returns.
But all is not lost. There is a hair restoration procedure that proven to be the answer for hair loss sufferers. First, let’s take a look at the chronology of hair restoration.
Hair transplant surgery or hair restoration originated as early as 1939 in Japan, when a dermatologist named Dr. Okuda developed a breakthrough process to restore hair loss caused by scalp injuries and burns. He used a technique of extracting small sections of hair-bearing skin and implanting them into even smaller holes in the areas where skin had been damaged. Once these grafts healed, they produced hair in areas that were previously bald.
A few years later, another dermatologist, Dr. Tamura, improved upon Okuda’s method by minimizing the size of the grafts down to one to three hairs each. He was working with women and restoring hair in the pubic area. This procedure is similar to surgeries that are performed today.
Because of the war year, these breakthrough procedures did not become available in the U.S. until the early 1950s. Then New York dermatologist Dr. Norman Orentreich completed the first hair transplant in the U.S. for a man with male pattern baldness. The doctor faced much criticism for the procedure that he’d developed. His technique was similar to Dr. Okuda’s, and did not render attractive or natural looking results. But, he did establish that hair on the back and sides of a man’s scalp was not prone to balding.
By 1960 hair transplants had become popular a cosmetic procedure; however, because so many were ineffective and unnatural looking hair restoration developed a negative reputation. It took about 30 years for the best hair transplant procedure to emerge; a result of scientists and surgeons working to develop significant improvements to these early methods.
The 1990s gave us minimally-invasive, follicular unit transplantation (FUE) and changed the industry forever. Hair restoration had finally become a viable, effective solution for hair loss sufferers. The guarantee of a process whereby new hair that is your own hair, transplanted to balding areas of the scalp continues to be the most proven, sought-after solution for permanent hair restoration today.