Why Minimally Invasive Hair Restoration is Your Best Option for Hair Loss

Minimally invasive hair restoration may be the solution for those afraid of hair replacement surgery.

Surgery! Most people cringe at the mere thought of it. Even people who suffer hair loss for any number of reasons: genetics, medical conditions, medication, childbirth and stress, to name a few. But hair loss, if left untreated can cause a lifetime of decreased self-esteem and social embarrassment. Many people who are bald, balding or experiencing some degree of hair loss would like nothing better than a full, healthy head of hair. But the idea of a surgical procedure for many people scares them away from doing anything about it.

Fortunately, there is one minimally invasive hair restoration technique that stands out far and above others and has great appeal among patients who do not want to undergo a surgical procedure.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE), when performed with the NeoGraftTM hair transplant system is not only the newest hair restoration method available today, but also the most effective type of minimally invasive surgery available for hair loss sufferers.

What this means for you, the patient, is faster recovery, lower costs and minimal discomfort compared to other methods. You will also enjoy these advantages:

  • Fewer activity restrictions following treatment
  • A return to work in about 24 hours
  • FUE performed with NeoGraft transplants twice as many hair grafts compared to manual FUE
  • No unsightly linear scar, even when hair is worn short
  • No numbness feeling in areas of donor hair grafts
  • No stitches or staples required
  • FUE with NeoGraft can also transplant other body hair, eyebrows and scar revisions from previous transplants
  • Lower risk of complications

Another benefit of minimally invasive hair restoration procedures with NeoGraft is much more natural looking results than you get with the traditional strip methods.

It’s highly recommended that patients always ask about the credentials of the physician doing their hair transplant procedure. Ask how many of these procedures the physician has performed and whether they have a portfolio of before and after photos of their actual patients. Dallas NeoGraft physicians have performed 18,000 hair transplants with exceptional results. Extensive knowledge and expertise of hair restoration is imperative to achieve optimal results.